QNUK Level 3 Award in Security Management (RQF)
This qualification has been developed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for Security Managers or those aspiring to advance their careers within the security industry. This is the next step from the initial SIA licence qualifications to introduce and practice management, supervisory and leadership skills that are required to take ownership of a team and contract effectively. Staff rotas, employment legislation, risk assessments, planning patrols, handling major and minor incidents, proactive task analysis, appraisals, training needs analysis and many more functions of security management are covered along with live simulations and desktop exercises to put new abilities into practice. Refining and developing existing skill sets are an integral part of this qualification where you will also learn to conduct vehicle searching and pass these proficiencies onto your team.
Senior leaders from global and local security providers have been engaged throughout the development of this qualification to ensure the necessary requirements for a security manager have been addressed and exceeded to result in a qualification which has direct meaning an purpose for the industry.
Senior leaders from global and local security providers have been engaged throughout the development of this qualification to ensure the necessary requirements for a security manager have been addressed and exceeded to result in a qualification which has direct meaning an purpose for the industry.
This qualification is available to those over 18 years. Candidates should be at least a level 2 numeracy and literacy or equivalent
Qualification number
Guided learning hours
Total Qualification time
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