QNUK Level 2 Award in Vehicle Searching (RQF)
This qualification is aimed at security staff involved with the process and operational requirements for searching vehicles when entering or leaving a designated area. Industry best practice, safety and methodology are instructed and practiced as part of this qualification to provide a robust working knowledge and skills required to perform effective vehicle searching.
Senior leaders from global and local security providers have been engaged throughout the development of this qualification to ensure the necessary requirements for a vehicle searching have been addressed and exceeded to result in a qualification which has direct meaning an purpose for the industry.
Senior leaders from global and local security providers have been engaged throughout the development of this qualification to ensure the necessary requirements for a vehicle searching have been addressed and exceeded to result in a qualification which has direct meaning an purpose for the industry.
This qualification is available to those over 18 years. Candidates should be at least a level 2 numeracy and literacy or equivalent

Qualification number
Guided learning hours
Total Qualification time
6 hours
Credit value :