QNUK Level 2 Award in Behavioural Detection Analysis (RQF)


This qualification is aimed at all staff working directly with the public, ranging from cleaners, security, shop workers, customer service, CCTV operators, passenger safety assistants and anybody who has a vested interest in keeping people safe in the face of current and modern threats to society.
Senior experts in behavioural detection and crowd analysis have worked together to produce an outstanding qualification which will change the way we think when looking for (or noticing) behaviours which may seem out of the ordinary. QNUK are proud to work with the expert team at MaST to offer a qualification that is led by sophisticated eLearning, using high quality actors in a real environment to immerse the learner into a world and scenarios which are replicated every day so the learner can gain a true insight towards the challenges and solutions in this interesting field of behavioural analysis.
This qualification provides the learner with the tools to be able to detect anomalous behaviours which may lead to: theft, terrorism, assault, fraud, unlawful protests and many other crimes that occur within today’s society. Whilst remembering that not all  anomalous behaviours are an intent for unlawful behaviour, the individual may just need some help or be worried about a situation that you can help them to overcome!


This qualification is available to those over 16 years. Candidates should be at least a level 2 numeracy and literacy or equivalent

Progression route

Learners may progress onto the following qualifications:

  • QNUK Level 3 Award in Security Management (RQF)
  • QNUK Level 2 Award in Fire Safety for Fire Marshals  (RQF)

Find a centre: To find a centre that offers this qualification in your area, please contact us

More: for more information about this qualification, download the Qualification Specification

Qualification number


Guided learning hours


Total Qualification time

3 hours

Credit value :